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Leading trade journal for the international milk processing and food manufacturing industry.

IDM International Dairy Magazine is the premier trade journal for leaders and decision-makers in the international dairy and related food manufacturing industries. Published bi-monthly in English, IDM delivers in-depth insights into technology, automation & IT, packaging, and ingredients, supported by well-researched analyses and reports. By advertising in IDM International Dairy Magazine, you position your brand directly in front of the key players in this evolving market.

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The news portal for the dairy industry is the leading news and information portal for the dairy industry. Professionals from industry and trade rely on it for up-to-date market insights, trends, and product databases. With comprehensive content and a specialized audience, it is the go-to platform for decision-makers in the sector.



Burkhard Endemann

Object manager

Heike Turowski

Media consultant

Anja Hoffrichter

Editor in chief

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